Dog Attack Survival


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Survival Tips To Keep You And Your Family Safe!

From The Desktop of (YOURNAME)

A Short Introduction Beforehand

A dog attack can happen to any person at any time and for any reason. Just because an animal is domesticated doesn’t mean that they aren’t capable of attacking another animal, or more importantly, a person.

A very important thing to remember about dogs in general is that ALL DOGS CAN ATTACK! Even the tiny breeds can be killers. It may seem silly, but it is quite true.

Case in point, in October of 2000 a news-story reported that a family’s pet Pomeranian had mauled their 6 week old baby. As a result, the baby died shortly thereafter. (“Baby Girl Killed by Family Dog,” Los Angeles Times, Monday, October 9, 2000, Home Edition, Metro Section, Page B-5.)

So if you are living under the assumption that just larger dogs can inflict fatal wounds, you had better start re-thinking!

While it’s true that larger breeds are responsible for much of the dog attack fatalities reported, you should never underestimate a smaller breed though. Most of the fatalities that occur are within two groups of people, children and the elderly. In the United States alone there were an estimated 304 dog attack related deaths between 1979 and 1996 from an estimated 30 or so different breeds of dogs. Sadly, it seems this fatality number is on the rise.

But, this doesn’t have to happen to you! This guide will give you some potentially life-saving tips in case this unfortunate event should happen to you, or someone you love. I encourage you to share the information inside with those you care about. Your children, your spouse, your parents, your grand-parents, and your friends. Life is extremely unpredictable. You never know what could happen. A dog can attack within the blink of an eye, forever changing your life.

Of course there is no solid guarantee that these tips will prevent a dog from attacking, or a possible fatality from occurring caused by a dog attack. But it is always better to be armed with knowledge that could change the end result and equip yourself with it.

All of the tips and suggestions outlined here can be used in any dog attack situation, or potential situation. Even those that could occur with your own family pet. Both realistically and statistically, most dog attacks occur within the home or near the home of the dog, or dogs (77%)!

So take what you need from this ebook. Print out the important points, hand them out to your family as flyers. Whatever way you can, get this information into the hands of those you care about so they don’t become a statistic.


Dog Attack Survival

Dog Attack Survival Tips

The Ultimate Dogs Survival Tips To Keep You And Your Family Safe

Make no mistake about it…

“The Costs of NOT Having This Information Are Just Too Much!”

Your lack of knowledge in this area may not be your fault, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t — or can’t — do anything to CHANGE it!

The costs of continuing to just keep going without the correct information are just too steep…

I mean, think about the fact that not knowing how to prevent a dog attack may be cost you or you family serious injury…

… and that’s not to mention the toll it can be taking on your personal life.

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